Eczema and Psoriasis Skin Smart Fabric - TEWLTect®

Our TEWLTect® Skin Smart Fabric...
+ Superior to 100% cotton eczema garments, especially for Wet Wrapping
+ Promotes faster recovery from eczema flare-ups by calming inflamed skin and relieving urge to itch
+ Designed to increase the effectiveness of all therapeutic bathes and topical moisturizers
+ Certified to be skin safe for even the most severe skin sensitivities and including weeping eczema rashes, discord eczema and plaque psoriasis
+ FDA Registered Class 1, Medical Device - garments are eligible for health insurance reimbursement
+ Sensitive skin safe 'magic' ink is printed on fabric exterior of children's products has been fully tested using the Human Repeated Insult Patch Test and the Kawia Replica Method
The magic is in the details...
Soothems' TEWLTect®
A lightweight SkinSmart Fabric made from a blend of TENCEL™, TANBOOCEL® viscose, and Creora® latex-free spandex, encapsulated with zinc oxide.
Smooth, hollow fibers create a fabric that is lightweight, friction-free to wear and prevents overheating.
Nature's best astringent for human skin. Anti-inflammatory, medically soothing, itch calming Contributes to the regeneration of the skin, naturally soothes irritated skin and acts as a protective layer on the skin to lock in moisture - this helps to relieve itchiness and assists in healing.
SOOTHEMS® has been developed as a therapeutic treatment to help people with particularly sensitive skin, such as those suffering from Atopic Dermatitis/Eczema, Psoriasis, Neurodermatitis, Xerosis (dry skin) and other skin allergies. SOOTHEMS® are made from a proprietary skin smart fabric called TEWLTect®, a blend of high performance sustainable cellulosic polymer fibers enhanced with Zinc Oxide. The beneficial properties of TEWLTect fabric provide a positive, soothing effect that reduces itchiness and helps preserve moisture levels on the skin. When the skin naturally releases moisture, there is an active exchange between human skin and the unique properties of TENCEL™ lyocell fibers, TANBOOCEL® viscose made from bamboo pulp fibers and the zinc oxide.
TEWLTect® SkinSmart fabric can be used as an occlusive barrier wet, or dry with or without emollients and topical steroids as prescribed by a medical professional for people suffering from skin diseases such as Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis and Neurodermatitis, Skin Allergies and Xerosis (dry skin).
TEWLTect® SkinSmart Fabric Facts
- TEWLTect® SkinSmart fabric is an environmentally sustainable blend of natural cellulosic polymer fibers encapsulated in zinc oxide; 60% TENCEL™ a lyocell fiber made from beech wood embedded with zinc oxide, and 35% TANBOOCEL® viscose made from bamboo, and 5% Creora® (latex free) spandex.
- TEWLTect is registered with the Federal Drug Administration as a Class 1 medical device, exempt status.
- TENCEL™, TANBOOCEL®, and Creora® raw materials have each been awarded the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, product class 1 for baby articles certification by TESTEX AG (the Swiss Textile Testing Institute). The OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 is an independent test and certification system for textile raw, intermediate and end products at all stages of processing.
- The Federal Trade Commission defines TENCEL™ as ‘‘a cellulose fabric that is obtained by an organic solvent spinning process’’ which is different from other man-made fibers as the process used is a non-chemical process that is very environmentally friendly.
- TENCEL™ was awarded the European Union Environmental Award 2000 in the category "technology for sustainable developments" because of its proprietary fiber production process.
- TEWLTect® SkinSmart fabric offers maximum wearing comfort because the yarns are soft, pliable, symmetrically rounded, smooth, breathable, and virtually friction-free to reduce chaffing.
- The cellulose fibers used in TEWLTect® smart fabric have been independently tested showing they will absorb 50% of their own weight in moisture before feeling damp making them far superior to cotton, polyester, nylon, and even silk and that they allow the release of moisture to aid in preserving skin moisture thereby promoting an excellent climate for the human skin flora and the appropriate transepidermal water loss (TEWL) balance on the skin. The result helps regulate body temperature for greater comfort and can relieve skin irritation
- TEWLTects’ SkinSmart fibers: TENCEL™ with zinc oxide and TANBOOCEL® have hollow structures and are inherently thermo-regulating and boast clinically proven advantages for breathability and coolness compared to other fibers including cotton, polyester, nylon, and silk. Breathability (air flow) increases the speed of healing. Heat can aggravate eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis and the wicking properties of TEWLTect® fibers trap and release moisture providing a cool feeling that creates a pleasant sensation on the skin and can significantly reduce itching for individuals with skin problems. According to authoritative testing figures, apparel made from lyocell and viscose made from bamboo fibers are typically 1- 2C degrees lower (1.8 - 3.6F) than normal apparel in hot humid summer weather.
- Imke Konig from the Spa Health Centre in Stegersbach, Austria conducted a four-week study of children age of 2 1/2 to 14 years and concluded that the special TENCEL™ sleepwear designed for the research project offered positive effects for patients suffering from mild to moderately severe dermatitis. Dr. Konig found that scratching that happens in extreme climatic conditions and even disturbs the sleep behavior can be reduced with TENCEL® sleepwear. 58% of the participant’s felt the TENCEL™® fibers were smoother, 65% thought it was softer and 88% thought it was cooler to wear than cotton.
- An independent wear trial by Johannes Neuhofer, Dermatologist of 40 adults suffering from Atopic Dermatitis wearing TENCEL™ tee shirts concluded that 97% of the participants thought the TENCEL™ shirt was softer than “normal clothing”, 55% noticed less itching and 73% would recommend the product to others suffering from Atopic Dermatitis.
- TENCEL™ fiber with Chitosan (chitin-micro-particles) that opens a new dimension in skin care beyond the benefits of regular TENCEL™. When directly in touch with the skin, the TENCEL™ fiber acts as a moisturizer and skin protector and keeps the skin elastic.
- TENCEL™ fibers reinforces the skin's barrier by up to 50%, helping to preserve the skin's natural moisture and improve its protection function.
- TENCEL™ has been shown to be an excellent occlusive barrier that reduces itching with bacteria growth controlling properties while being resistant to developing odors.
- TENCEL™ is hemostatic and promotes faster wound and rash healing for people with skin problems.
- TENCEL™ enhances its further natural skin function through the properties of zinc oxide incredible capabilities that are permanently (cannot wash or wear out) embedded inside the lyocell fiber structure.
- Zinc Oxide (or ZnO), is an inorganic mineral compound which is incorporated into the TEWLTect® fibers through an encapsulation process that can never wear out or wash off, contributes to the regeneration of the skin, naturally soothing irritated skin and used to heal wounds.
- Zinc Oxide is clinically proven to be anti-inflammatory, soothing to the skin and even acting as a protective layer on the skin to lock moisture in to help relieve itchiness for people with skin problems.
Please contact us at with your questions regarding any of the beneficial claims, research or terminology of our Soothems® TEWLTect® skin smart fabric claims. We are happy to share!