How To Treat Eczema On Elbows And Knees - Soothems
baby eczema

How To Treat Eczema On Elbows And Knees

Eczema is a group of conditions that cause inflammation (or rash) of the skin. There are seven different types of Eczema, each with several different identifying names and each with a variety of sy...

Zinc Oxide for Eczema: Understanding the Benefits

Eczema and The Benefits of Zinc Oxide Zinc Oxide protects skin moisture, calms irritation, stops itching, controls bacteria growth and is hypoallergenic. Zinc Oxide is the most effective active ing...

eczema baby clothingWellness Tips for Children with Eczema - Soothems

Wellness Tips for Children with Eczema

Wellness Tips for Children with Eczema Eczema and the itch-scratch cycle go hand in hand. So what exactly is the itch-scratch cycle? Well, that overwhelming itch your child constantly has becomes a...

eczema capsWhat to Do When Eczema Becomes Infected - Soothems

What to Do When Eczema Becomes Infected

Eczema is anything but fun. If you have a child with the condition, you know that eczema involves red, inflamed, itchy patches that occur during flare-ups. Then there’s the dreaded itch that never ...

eczema capsNew Year’s Resolutions For Those With Eczema - Soothems

New Year’s Resolutions For Those With Eczema

The new year is officially underway. What are some of the resolutions your family has in 2018? Maybe it’s eating healthier or saving more money. But what about finally controlling your child’s ecze...

eczema clothingHow to Cope With Eczema in Winter - Soothems

How to Cope With Eczema in Winter

This time of year, wind, snow, and cold can wreak havoc on our skin. It’s especially challenging for those with eczema. So how do you ensure that your child is comfortable during the winter? Read o...